Web links

Category: Liens Web
Published on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 00:02
Written by Super Utilisateur
Hits: 29410

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Web link Kakadu - Le rêve! alors rêvons!

Kakadu is known for both its cultural and natural features. It is part of a small number of places listed as heritage sites in the world for several reasons. One of the main rock art is that it is possible to admire .... and say that I do not know that images ... annoying!

Commercial registers in Switzerland



AG Argovie (400)
AI Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures (310)
AR Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures (300)
BE Berne (036)
BL Bâle-Campagne (280)
BS Bâle-Ville (270)
FR Fribourg (217)
GE Genève (660)
GL Glaris (160)
GR Grisons (350)
JU Jura (670)
LU Lucerne (100)
NE Neuchâtel (645)
NW Nidwald (150)
OW Obwald (140)
SG St-Gall (320)
SH Schaffhouse (290)
SO Soleure (241)
SZ Schwyz (130)  
TG Thurgovie (440)
TI Tessin (501)
UR Uri (120)
VD Vaud (550)
VS Valais (600-626)
ZG Zoug (170)
ZH Zurich (020)